Prof. Yosef Liebersohn
Ph.D. " "supervisor – Prof. John Glcker (with Highest Distinction)
M.A. " " Supervisor – Prof. John Glucker
B.A. General Histor and Classical Studies
Academic Positions:
External Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Bar-Ilan University, 1994-1998.
- Assistant, Department of Philosophy, Bar-Ilan University, 1999-2002.
- Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, Bar-Ilan University, 2003-2004.
External Lecturer, Department of General History, Bar-Ilan University, 2005-2010.
Fellowships, Grants, and Honours:
- Prize for outstanding B.A. students, given by the Philosophy Department (Bar-Ilan University) - 1992.
- Grant for outstanding M.A. students, given by the Grants and Prizes Committee (Bar-Ilan University) - 1995
- Rottenstreich grant for outstanding doctoral students in Humanties 1999-2002.
History of Ideas
Intellectual history
Classical Philology
Ancient and Hellenistic Philosophy
18-554 הדמוקרטיה האתונאית
18-559 עולם המחשבה היווני וייחודו
18-037 תרגיל יסוד בתולדות רומי
The Dispute concerning Rhetoric in Hellenistic Thought, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (Hypomnemata Band 185), Goettingen, 2010. (230 pages)
Epicurus: The Road to Happiness (Kyriai Doxai: Translated from the Greek with an Introduction, prefaces and extensive notes by Yosef Z. Liebersohn), (Nahar Books, 2011) (in Hebrew).
* "Alcidamas' On the Sophists: A Reappraisal", Eranos 97 (1999): 108-24.
* "Oh Baby it's hard for me to say I'm sorry: Public apologetic Speech and cultural rhetorical Resources", Journal of Pragmatics 36 (2004): 921-944 (with Y. Neuman and Z. Bekerman).
* "The Rhetoric of Gorgias in Gorgias", Iyyun 53 (October, 2004): 363-394 (in Hebrew).
* "Seneca philosophia Medicus", Collection Latomus Vol. 287 (2005); Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History, XII: 361-394.
* "Art and Pseudo-Art in Plato's Gorgias", Arethusa 38 (2005): 303-329.
* "Aristotle: Between Logic and Rhetoric: On the Subdivisions of Enthymema in Rhet. 1357a30-1357b25", Elenchos XXVI (2005) fasc. 1: 65-77.
* "The speech of the Laws in Plato's Crito and the Flaw in Athenian Democracy", Historia 20 (October 2007): 5-30 (in Hebrew).
* "The Role of Indifferentia in Stoic Ethics; (Stoic) officia and the protreptikos logos in Seneca's Dialogi", Eranos 105 (2008/2009): 101-117.
* "The Problem of Rhetoric’s Materia in Plato’s Gorgias (449c9–d9)", Rhetorica 29.1 (2011): 1–22.
* "On the Art of Aristotelian Rhetoric; Between Formal/Neutral Art and Formal/Neutral Elements", Philosophia (Yearbook of the Research Centre for Greek Philosophy at the Academy of Athens) 41 (2011): 147-168.
Rejecting Socrates' Rejection of Retaliation" (25 pages)
Accepted for publication in Maynooth Philosophical Papers (MPP) (6/9/2010)
28.8.2011 ראיון במוסף לספרות ברשת א' על הספר: אפיקורוס
Last Updated Date : 30/04/2023