Prof. Avraham Faust

תחומי מחקר

    Avraham Faust

    Avraham (Avi) Faust is Prof. of archaeology at the Martin (Szusz) department of Land of Israel Studies and Archaeology, Bar-Ilan University.


    He received his degrees from Bar-Ilan Universtiy (PhD, 2000), and studied also at the University of Oxford (visiting graduate student) and Harvard University (post-doc). In 2008 he was Kennedy Leigh fellow at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, and in 2012/2013 he was a visiting professor at the department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at Harvard University.


    Avi Faust's research interests include the archaeology of the Land of Israel in the Bronze and Iron Ages (biblical archaeology), especially from social and anthropological perspectives, as well as aspects of settlement archaeology, urban-rural interaction, socio-economic stratification, ethnicity, and processes of social complexity. He participated in a number of excavations and surveys in Israel and abroad, and from 2006 he is directing the excavations at Tel 'Eton and the survey in its surrounding. Before that he directed (with A. Erlich) the excavations at Kh. er-Rasm (final report published in 2011).


    He is the author of numerous books and articles covering various aspects of Israel's archaeology from the Early Bronze Age to the Byzantine period, with special focus on the Iron Age society, including the following Israelite Society in the Period of the Monarchy: An Archaeological Perspective (Jerusalem: Yad Ben Zvi, 2005 [in Hebrew]); Israel's Ethnogenesis: Settlement, Interaction, Expansion and Resistance (London: Equinox, 2006; the book won three book prizes: the Irene Levi Sala Prize for books on the Archaeology of Israel, the ASOR's G.E. Wright Book Award and the Biblical Archaeology Society Publication Award); The  Excavations at Kh. er-Rasm: The Changing Faces of the Countryside (Oxford:  Archaeopress, 2011) (with Adi Erlich); The Archaeology of the Israelite Society in the Iron Age II (Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, 2012); Judah in the Neo-Babylonian Period: The Archaeology of Desolation (Atlanta: The Society of Biblical Literature; 2012); The Settlement History of Ancient Israel: A Quantitative Analysis (Ramat Gan: Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies [in Hebrew], forthcoming) (with Zeev Safrai).


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    1. Faust, A., 2005, The Israelite Society in the Period of the Monarchy: an Archaeological Perspective, Jerusalem: Yad Ben-Zvi (in Hebrew).
    2. Faust, A., 2006, Israel’s Ethnogenesis: Settlement, Interaction, Expansion and Resistance, London: Equinox [the book has won the IRENE LEVI-SALA PRIZE FOR BOOKS IN THE ARCHAEOLOGY OF ISRAEL 2008 in the 'semi-popular' categorythe G. Ernest Wright Book Award of the American Schools of Oriental Researchand the 2009 Biblical Archaeology Society Publication Award]
    3. Faust, A., 2008, et-al., Daily Life in Biblical Israel (Unit 9 in a course on the History of Israel in the First Temple Period), Tel Aviv: The Open University (in Hebrew).
    4. Faust A. and A. Erlich, 2011, Kh.  er-Rasm: The Changing Faces of the Countryside, Oxford: Archaeopress.      (the file includes the book's cover, introduction and bibliography)           
    5.  Faust, A., 2012, The Archaeology of Israelite Society in Iron Age II, Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.  (the file includes the title, contents, preface, introduction and references)
    6. Faust, A., 2012, Judah in the Neo-Babylonian Period: The Archaeology of Desolation, Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature.
    7. Faust, A., and Safrai, Z., in press, The Settlement History of Ancient Israel: A Quantitative Analysis, Ramat Gan: Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies (in Hebrew).


    8) Safrai, Z., and A. (eds.), 1995, Recent Innovations in the study of Jerusalem, Proceedings of the first conference, Ramat-Gan (Hebrew).

    9) A., Faust (ed.), 1996, New Studies on Jerusalem, Proceeding of the Second conference, Ramat-Gan (Hebrew and English sections).

    10) A., Faust and E., Baruch (eds.), 1997, New Studies on Jerusalem, Proceeding of the Third Conference, Ramat-Gan (Hebrew).

    11) Faust, A., and A. Maeir (eds.), 1999, Material Culture, Society and Ideology: New Directions in the Archaeology of the Land of Israel, Ramat-Gan (Hebrew, with English Abstracts).

    12) Faust, A., and Baruch, E., (eds.), 1999, New Studies on Jerusalem, Proceedings of the Fifth Conference, Ramat-Gan (Hebrew and English Sections).

    13) Faust, A., and Baruch, E., (eds.), 2000, New Studies on Jerusalem, Proceedings of the Sixth Conference, Ramat-Gan (Hebrew with English abstracts).

    14) Faust, A., and Baruch, E., (eds.), 2001, New Studies on Jerusalem, Proceedings of the Seventh Conference, Ramat-Gan (Hebrew with English abstracts).

    15) Baruch, E., and Faust, A., (eds.), 2002, New Studies on Jerusalem, Volume 8,  Ramat-Gan (Hebrew with English abstracts)

    16) Baruch, E., Leibner, U., and Faust, A., (eds.), 2003, New Studies on Jerusalem, Volume 9, Ramat Gan (Hebrew with English Abstracts).

    17) Baruch, E., and Faust, A., 2004, New Studies on Jerusalem, Volume 10, Ramat Gan (Hebrew and English sections).

    18) O. Akecrman, Faust, A., and A. Maeir (eds.), 2005, Environment and Archaeology, Ramat Gan (Hebrew).

    19) Baruch, E.,, Z. Greenhut and Faust, A., (eds.), 2006, New Studies on Jerusalem, Volume 11, Ramat Gan (Hebrew and English Sections).

    20) Baruch, E., and Faust, A., 2006, (eds.), New Studies on Jerusalem, Volume 12, Ramat Gan (Hebrew).

    21) Baruch, E., A. Levy and Faust, A., (eds.), 2007, New Studies on Jerusalem, Volume 13, Ramat Gan (Hebrew).

    22) Baruch, E., Levy, A., and Faust, A., (eds.), 2008, New Studies on Jerusalem, Volume 14, Ramat Gan (Hebrew).

    23) Baruch, E., Levy, A.,.and Faust, A., (eds.), 2009, New Studies on Jerusalem, Volume 15, Ramat Gan (Hebrew).

    24) Baruch, E., Levy, A., and Faust, A., (eds.), 2010, New Studies on Jerusalem, Volume 16, Ramat Gan (Hebrew).

    25) Baruch, E., Levy, A., and Faust, A., (eds.), 2011, New Studies on Jerusalem, Volume 17, Ramat Gan (Hebrew).

    26) Master, D., Faust, A., Alpert-Nakhai, B., and Zangenberg J.K. (eds.), 2013, Oxford Encyclopedia of Bible and Archaeology, New York: Oxford University Press.

    27) Baruch, E., and Faust, A., (eds.), 2013, New Studies on Jerusalem, Volume 19, Ramat Gan (Hebrew)

    28) Baruch, E., and Faust, A., (eds.), 2014, New Studies on Jerusalem: Volume 20, Ramat Gan (Hebrew).


    29) Faust, A., 1995, Settlement on the Western Slopes of Samaria at the End of the Iron Age, in:  Z. H., Erlich and Y., Eshel (eds), Judea and Samaria Research Studies, Proceedings of the 4th Annual Meeting - 1994, Kedumim-Ariel: Eretz, pp. 23-30 (Hebrew, with an English abstract).

    30) Faust, A., 1996, A Note on the Location of the Siloam Inscription and the Construction of Hezekiah’s Tunnel, New Studies on Jerusalem, Proceeding of the Second Conference, 1996, pp. 21-24 (Hebrew).

    31) A., Faust, The Biblical 'Migras' and the Archaeological Evidence, Beit-Mikra 148 (1996): 20-27 (Hebrew).

    32) Faust, A., 1997, The Impact of Jerusalem’s Expansion in the Late Iron Age on the Forms of Rural Settlements in its Vicinity, Cathedra 84: 53-62 (Hebrew, with an English abstract).

    33) Faust, A., 1997, The Family Structure in Iron Age II Villages, in: S. Dar and Z., Safrai (eds.), The Village in Ancient Israel, Tel-Aviv: Eretz, pp. 131-146 (Hebrew).

    34) Levine, Y., and Faust, A., 1998, The Ties Between Asher and Benjamin, in: Y., Eshel (ed), Judea and Samaria Research Studies, Proceedings of the 7th Annual Meeting - 1997, Tel Aviv: Eretz, pp. 225-231 (Hebrew, with an English abstract).

    35) Faust, A., and Erlich, A., 1998,  The Excavations in Kh. er-Rasm, in. Mador, D. (ed.), The British Park and the Central Shephela, JNF, pp. 167-170.

    36) Faust A., and Maeir, A., 1999, Material Culture, Society and Ideology in the Archaeology of the Land of Israel, in: Faust, A., and Maeir A. (eds.), Material Culture, Society and Ideology, Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, pp. 5-10 (Hebrew).

    37) Faust, A., 1999, An Entrance to the Past: Architecture, Language and Cosmology, in: Faust, A., and A. Maeir (eds.), Material Culture, Society and Ideology, Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, pp. 78-95 (Hebrew with an English abstract).

    38) Faust, A., 1999, Socioeconomic Stratification in an Israelite City: Hazor VI as a Test Case, Levant XXXI: 179-190.

    39) Faust, A., 1999, Differences in Family Structure Between Cities and Villages in Iron Age II, Tel Aviv 26: 233-252.

    40) Faust, A., 1999, From Hamlets to Monarchy: a View from the Countryside on the Formation of the Israelite Monarchy, Cathedra 94: 7-32 (Hebrew with an English abstract).

    41) Faust, A., 2000, The Organization of the Community in the Israelite Village in the Period of the Monarchy, Shnaton, an Annual for Biblical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies 12: 91-104 (Hebrew with an English abstract).

    42) Faust, A., and Ehrlich, A., 2000, Kh. er-Rasm (1997-1999), Archaeological News 111: 106, 78*-79*.

    43) Faust, A., 2000, A Note on Hezekiah’s Tunnel and the Siloam Inscription, Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 90: 3-11.

    44) Faust, A., 2000, Ethnic Complexity in Northern Israel During the Iron Age II, Palestine Exploration Quarterly 132: 2-27.

    45) Faust, A., 2000, The Rural Community in Ancient Israel during the Iron Age II, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 317: 17-39.

    46) Faust, A., 2000, Commerce, Technology, Urbanization and the Formation of the Israelite State, Cathedra 97: 165-168 (Hebrew).

    47) Faust, A., 2001, Doorway Orientation, Settlement Planning and Cosmology in Ancient Israel during Iron Age II, Oxford Journal of Archaeology 20.2: 129-155.

    48) Bunimovitz, S., and Faust, A., 2001, Chronological Separation, Geographical Segregation or Ethnic Demarcation? Ethnography and the Iron Age Low Chronology, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 322: 1-10.

    49) Faust, A., 2001,, The Social Structure of 8th Century BCE Hazor, in: A.M. Maeir and A. Baruch (eds.), Man, Civilization and Settlement, Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, pp. 131-150  (Hebrew).

    50) Faust, A., 2001, Jerusalem’s Hinterland during the Transition from the Iron Age to the Persian Period, in: Faust, A., and A. Baruch (eds.), New Studies on Jerusalem, Proceedings of the Seventh Conference, Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, pp.  83-89 (Hebrew).

    51) Faust, A., 2002, Accessibility, Defense, and Town Planning in Iron Age Israel, Tel Aviv 29: 297-317.

    52) Faust, A., 2002, Burnished Pottery and Gender Hierarchy in Iron Age Israelite Society, Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 15.1: 53-73.

    53) Bunimovitz, S., and Faust, A., 2002, Ideology in Stone, Understanding the Four Room House, Biblical Archaeology Review 28/4: 32-41, 59-60.

    54) Faust, A., 2003, Judah in the Sixth Century BCE: A Rural Perspective, Palestine Exploration Quarterly 135: 35-51.

    55) Faust, A., 2003, Warren Shaft, Yes it was Used to Draw Water, Biblical Archaeology Review 29/5: 70-76.

    56) Faust, A., 2003, The Farmstead in the Highland of Iron II Israel, in Dar, S., Maeir, A.M., and Safrai, Z. (eds.), The Rural Landscape of Ancient Israel, Oxford, pp. 91-104.

    57) Faust, A., 2003, Residential Patterns in the Ancient Israelite City, Levant 35: 123-138.

    58) Bunimovitz, S., and Faust, A., 2003, Building Identity: The Four Room House and the Israelite Mind”, in Gitin, S. (ed.), Symbiosis, Symbolism and the Power of the past: Ancient Israel and its Neighbors from the Late Bronze Age through Roman Palestineae, Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, pp. 411-423 (= Bunimovitz, S., and Faust, A., 2009, Building Identity. Das Vierraumhaus und der "Israelite Mind", in Janowski, B., and Liess, K.,. Der Mensch im Alten Israel: Neue Forschungen zur alttestamentlichen Anthropologie, Freiburg: Herder, pp. 401-418).

    59) Faust, A. 2003, Abandonment, Urbanization, Resettlement and the Formation of the Israelite State, Near Eastern Archaeology 66: 147-161.

    60) Faust, A., and Bunimovitz, S., 2003, The Four Room House: Embodying Israelite Society, Near Eastern Archaeology 66: 22-31.

    61) Faust, A., 2003, The Warren Shaft in Light of the New Discoveries, in Baruch, E.,, U. Liebner and Faust, A., (eds.), New Studies on Jerusalem, The 9th Volume Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University, pp. 7-19 (Hebrew).

    62) Faust, A., 2004, Town Planning in Iron Age Israel: Fortifications, Roads, Public Structures and Cosmology, in Y. Eshel (ed.), Judea and Samaria Research Studies, the 13th Volume, Tel-Aviv and Ariel, pp. 9-26 (Hebrew).

    63) Faust, A., 2004, Pottery Talks: What Ceramics Tell Us About the Social World of Ancient Israel, Biblical Archaeology Review 30/2: 52-55, 62.

    64) Faust, A., 2004, "Mortuary Practices, Society and Ideology”: The Lack of Iron Age I Burials in Highlands in Context, Israel Exploration Journal 54: 174-190.

    65) Faust, A., 2004, The United Monarchy and Anthropology: A Note on the Debate Over Jerusalem’s Status as a Capital, in Baruch, E., and Faust, A., (eds.), New Studies on Jerusalem: The Tenth Volume, Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan university, pp. 23-36 (Hebrew).

    66) Faust, A., and Baruch, E., 2005, The Synagogue and the Rural Jewish Community in the Period of the Mishnah and Talmud: Financing the Construction and Maintenance of Synagogues as a Leveling Mechanism, Cathedra 116: 49-66 (Hebrew).

    67) Faust, A., and Z. Safrai, 2005, Salvage Excavations as a Source for Reconstructing Settlement History in Ancient Israel, Palestine Exploration Quaterly 137: 139-158.

    68) Faust, A., 2005, The Settlement on Jerusalem’s Western Hill and the City’s Status in the Iron Age II Revisited, ZDPV 121: 97-118.

    69) Faust, A., 2004, Social and Cultural Changes in Judah during the 6th Century BCE and their Implications for our Understanding of the Nature of the Neo-Babylonian Period, Ugarit Forschungen 36: 157-176.

    70) Faust, A., and Weiss, E., 2005, Judah, Philistia, and the Mediterranean World: Reconstructing the Economic System of the Seventh Century B.C.E., Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 338: 71-92.

    71) Faust, A., 2005, The Canaanite Village: Social Structure of Middle Bronze Age Rural Communities, Levant 37: 105-125.

    72) Faust, A., 2005, On the Uses of “Land of Israel”, “Palestine” and other terms in the study of “Western Asia”: A Comment on C. Dauphin’s Review, Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society 23: 177-183.

    73) Faust, A., 2005, The Israelite Village: Cultural Conservatism and Technological Innovation, Tel Aviv 32: 204-219.

    74) Faust, A., and Safrai, Z., 2005 Salvage Excavations as a Source for Reconstructing the History of Settlement in the Land of Israel and to an Understanding of Settlement-Environment Relations, in Ackerman, O., Faust, A., and Maeir, A., (eds.), Environment and Archaeology, Ramat Gan: Bar-Ilan University, pp. 163-139 (Hebrew).

    75) Faust, A., 2006, Trade, Ideology and Boundary Maintenance in Iron Age Israelite Society, in Purthuis, M., and Schwartz, J. (eds.), A Holy Community, Leiden: Brill, pp. 17-35 Faust-2006-in_Holy_People-Trade_Ideology_Boundary_Maintenance_Israelite_Society--75

    76) Faust, A., 2006, Settlement Patterns and State Formation in Southern Samaria and the Archaeology of (A) Saul, in Ehrlich, C., and White, M. (eds.), Saul in Story and Tradition, Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck, pp. 14-38.

    77) Faust, A., 2006, The Gates of the City, Eretz 105: 28-32 (= Faust, A., 2006, Preaching in the Gate, Eretz VaTeva 105: 36-40, in Hebrew).

    78) Faust, A., 2006, Farmsteads in Western Samaria’s Foothills: A Reexamination, in: Maeir, A.M., and De Miroschedji, P. (eds.) "I will speak the riddles of ancient times" (Abiah chidot minei-kedem – Ps. 78:2b): Archaeological and Historical Studies in Honor of Amihai Mazar on the Occasion of his Sixtieth Birthday, Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, pp. 477-504.

    79) Faust, A., 2006, Jerusalem's Countryside during the Middle Bronze Age, in Baruch, E., and Faust, A. (eds.), New Studies on Jerusalem, Volume 12, Ramat Gan, pp. 7-19 (Hebrew).

    80) Faust, A., 2006, The Negev "Fortresses" In Context: Reexamining the "Fortresses" Phenomenon in Light of General Settlement Processes of the 11th-10th Centuries B.C.E., Journal of the American Oriental Society 126.2: 135-160.

    81) Faust, A., 2007, Did Ancient Jerusalem  Draw Water Through Warren's Shaft, Biblical Archaeology Review 33/2: 66-67, 69, 77 (contribution to a debate).

    82) Faust, A., 2007, The Sharon and the Yarkon Basin in the Tenth Century BCE: Ecology, Settlement Patterns and Political Involvement, Israel Exploration Journal 57: 65-82.

    83) Faust, A., and Ashkenazy, Y., 2007, Excess in Precipitation as a Cause for Settlement Decline along the Israeli Coastal Plain during the Third Millennium BC, Quaternary Research 68: 37-44

    84) Faust, A., 2007, Private, Communal and Royal Economy in the Iron Age II (the Period of the Monarchy), Jerusalem and Eretz-Israel 4-5: 41-58 (Hebrew).

    85) Faust, A., 2007, Settlement Dynamics and Demographic Fluctuations in Judah  from the Late Iron Age to the Hellenistic Period and the Archaeology of Persian Period Yehud, in: Levin, Y. (ed.), A Time of Change: Judah and its Neighbors During the Persian and Early Hellenistic Periods, London: Continuum, pp. 23-51.

    86) Faust, A., 2007, Jerusalem’s Hinterland and the City’s Status in the Bronze and Iron Ages, Eretz Israel, the Kolek Volume: 165-172 (Hebrew).

    87) Faust, A., 2007, Rural Settlements, State Formation, and "Bible and Archaeology", Near Eastern Archaeology 70: 4-9, 22-25 (with responses).

    88) Faust, A., 2008, Settlement and Demography in Seventh Century Judah and the Extent and Intensity of Sennacherib's Campaign, Palestine Exploration Quarterly 140: 168-194.

    89) Faust, A., 2008, Tel 'Eton – A Biblical City in the Shephelah, Eretz Magazine 115: 56-61 (= Faust, A., 2008, Tel 'Eton – A Biblical City in the Shephelah, Eretz va-Teva 115: 30-35, in Hebrew).

    90) Faust, A., 2009, Cities, Villages and Farmsteads: The Landscape of Leviticus 25: 29-31, in Schloen, D., (ed.), Exploring the Longue Duree: Essays in Honor of Prof. Lawrence E. Stager, Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, pp. 103-112. copyright © 2009 by Eisenbrauns; placed here by permission of the publisher. Book may be purchased here:

    91) Faust, A., and Bunimovitz, S., 2008, The Judahite Rock-Cut Tomb: Family Response at a Time of Change, Israel Exploration Journal 58: 150-170.

    92) Faust, A., and Golani, E., 2008, A Community in Transition: The Early Bronze Age Site at Qiryat Ata as a Test Case, Tel Aviv 35: 215-243.

    93) Faust, A., and Erlich, A., 2008, The Hasmonean Policy toward the Gentile Population in Light of the Excavations at Kh. er-Rasm and Additional Rural Sites, Jerusalem and Eretz Israel 6: 5-32 (Hebrew).

    94) Faust, A., and Safrai, Z., 2008, Changes in Burial Patterns in the Land of Israel through Time in Light of the findings from Salvage Excavations, in Bar S. (ed.), In the Hill-Country, and in the Shephelah, and in the Arabah (Joshua 12, 8): Studies and Researches Presented to Adam Zertal in the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Mennasseh Hill-Country Survey, Jerusalem, Ariel, pp. 105-121 (Hebrew).

    95) Faust, A., 2008, Sennacherib's Campaign to the Judean Highlands and Jerusalem: A New Perspective, in Baruch, E., Levy, A., and Faust, A., (eds.), New Studies on Jerusalem, Volume 14, Ramat Gan, pp. 89-106 (Hebrew).

    96) S. Bunimovitz and Faust, A., 2008, The Archaeology of the Biblical Period in the Twenty-First Century: Toward a New Dialogue Between Archaeology and the Bible, in Baruch, E., Levy, A., and Faust, A., (eds.), New Studies on Jerusalem, Volume 14, Ramat Gan, pp. 7-23 (Hebrew).

    97) Faust, A., (interview), 2008, Between Identity and Origin: Who Were the First Israelites?", Eretz 117: 56-63 (based on an intereview) (= Faust, A., 2008, "Between Identity and Origin: Who Were the First Israelites?", Eretz va-Teva 118: 36-39).

    98) Faust, A., 2009, Israel's Beginning: The Confrontation of the Highland Settlers with the Canaanites and Philistines Crystallized their Ethnic Identity as 'Israel', Galileo 137 (March): 62-67 (Hebrew).

    99) Faust, A., and Ashkenazy, Y., 2009, Settlement Fluctuations and Environmental Changes in Israel's Coastal plain during the Early Bronze Age, Levant 41: 19-39.

    100) Faust, A., 2009, Judah in the Sixth Century BCE: Continuity or Break, Eretz Israel 29 (Stern Book): 339-347 (Hebrew).

    101) Faust, A., 2009, Tel 'Eton 2006-2007 (Notes and News), Israel Exploration Journal 59: 112-119.

    102) Faust, A., 2009, “But Houses in Villages that have No Walls Around Them Shall be Classed as Open Country”: Biblical Settlement Terminology in Light of the Archaeological Evidence, Studies in Bible and Exegesis, Presented to Moshe Garsiel (volume 8),  Ramat-Gan:  Bar-Ilan University, pp. 357-367 (Hebrew).

    103) Faust, A., 2009, Archaeology and Politics in Israel: A Different Perspective, in Bailer, B., (ed.) 60 Years Israel- Aspects from History and Present (Studien zur politischen Wirklichkeit Vol. 25), Vienna: Braumuller\Anton Pelinka, pp. 149-165.

    104) Faust, A., 2009, How Did Israel Become a People? The Genesis of Israelite Identity, Biblical Archaeology Review 201: pp. 62-69, 92-94.

    105) Faust, A., 2009, On the Date and Function of the Large Stone Structure in the City of David, in Baruch, E., Levy-Reifer, A., and Faust, A., (eds.), New Studies on Jerusalem: The Fifteenth Volume, Ramat Gan, pp. 29-43 (Hebrew).

    106) Bunimovitz, S., and Faust, A., 2010, Reconstructing Biblical Archaeology: Toward an Integration of Archaeology and the Bible, in Levy T.E. (ed.), Historical Biblical Archaeology and the Future – The New Pragmatism, London: Equinox, pp. 43-54. 

    107) Faust, A., 2010, Future Directions in the Study of Ethnicity in Ancient Israel, in T.E. Levy (ed.), Historical Biblical Archaeology and the Future – The New Pragmatism, London: Equinox, pp. 55-68. 

    108) Faust, A. 2010, The Archaeology of the Israelite Cult: Questioning the Consensus, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 360:23-35.

    109) Faust, A, and Lev-Tov, J., 2011, The Construction of Philistine Identity: Ethnic Dynamics in 12th-10th Centuries Philistia, Oxford Journal of Archaeology 30: 13-31.

    110) Faust, A., 2011, "Prophetic Social Criticism and the Social Reality in Israel and Judah: An Archaeological Examination", Studies in Bible and Exegesis, Presented to Shmuel Vargon (volume 10), Ramat-Gan: Bar-Ilan University, pp. 263-279 (Hebrew).

    111) Faust, A., 2011, Households Economies in the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, in A. Yasur-Landau, J. Ebeling and L. Mazow, Household Archaeology in the Bronze and Iron Age Levant, Leiden: Brill, pp. 255-273.

    112) Katz, H., and Faust, A., 2011, Distribution and Use of Storage Vessels in the Kingdom of Judah, in I. Finkelstein et-al. (eds.), The Fire Signals of Lachish: Studies in the Archeology and History of Israel in the Late Bronze Age, Iron Age, and Persian Period in Honor of David Ussishkin Festschrift, Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, pp. 175-184Copyright © 2009 by Eisenbrauns; placed here by permission of the publisher. Book may be purchased here: 

    113) Faust, A., 2011, The Large Stone Structure in the City of David: A Reexamination, ZDPV 126: 116-130.

    114) Faust, A., 2011, The Interests of the Assyrian Empire in the West: Olive Oil Production as a Test-Case, Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 54: 62-86.

    115) Faust, A., 2011, Tel 'Eton Excavations (2006-2009): A Preliminary Report, Palestine Exploration Quarterly 143: 198-224.

    116) Faust, A., and Erlich, A., 2011, Kh. er-Rasm – a Rural Site in the Judean Shephelah, Qadmoniot 141: 49-54 (Hebrew).

    117) Faust&Weiss-2011-Judah_Philistia_Assyria&Mediterranean

    118) Faust, A., 2011, How were the Israelites Buried? The Lack of Iron Age I Burials in the Highlands in Context, in A. Tavgar, Z. Amar and M. Billig (eds.), In the Highland's Depth: Ephraim Range and Binyamin Research Studies, pp. 13-32 (Hebrew).

    119) Katz, H., and Faust, A., 2011, The Assyrian Destruction Layer at Tel 'Eton, Eretz Israel 30 (Ben Tor Volume), pp. 256-274 (Hebrew).

    120) Faust, A., 2011, Deportation and Demography in Sixth Century B.C.E. Judah, in B.E. Kelle, F. Ritchel Ames, J.L. Wright (eds.), Interpreting Exile: Interdisciplinary Studies of Displacement and Deportation in Biblical and Modern Contexts, Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, pp. 91-103.

    121) Faust, A., 2011, The Israelites and the Sea: Ecology, World Views and Coastal Settlements, Ugarit Forschungen 43: 117-130. 

    122) Faust, A., and Katz, H., 2011, Philistines, Israelites and Canaanites in the Southern Trough Valley during the Iron Age I, Egypt and the Levant 21: 231-247. 

    123) Faust, A., and Eshel, E., 2012, An Inscribed Bulla with Grazing Doe from Tel 'Eton, in M.J. Lundberg, S. Fine and T.W. Pitard (eds.), Puzzling out the Past: Studies in the Northwest Semitic Languages and Literatures in Honor of Bruce Zuckerman, Leiden: Brill, pp. 63-70.

    124) Faust, A., 2012, Social, Cultural and Demographic Changes in Judah during the Transition from the Iron Age to the Persian Period, in J. Ro (ed.), From Judah to Judaea: Socio-economic Structures and Processes in the Persian Period, Sheffield: Sheffield Phoenix Press, pp. 106-132.

    125) Katz, H., and Faust, A., 2012, The Assyrian Destruction Layer at Tel 'Eton, Israel Exploration Journal 62: 22-53 (updated English version of #115).

    126) Faust, A., 2012, Did Eilat Mazar Find David's Palace? Biblical Archaeology Review Sept/Oct 2012: 47-52, 70.

    127) Faust, A., 2012, Between Israel and Philistia: Ethnic Negotiations in the Iron Age I, in G. Galil et-al. (eds.), The Ancient Near East in the 12th-10th Centuries BCE: Culture and History, Munster: Ugarit Verlag, pp. 121-135.

    128) Faust, A., and Katz, H., 2012, Survey, Shovel Tests and Excavations at Tel 'Eton: on Methodology and Site History, Tel Aviv 39: 158-185.

    129) Faust, A., 2013, Decoration versus Simplicity: Pottery and Ethnic Negotiations in Early Israel, Ars Judaica 9: 7-18.

    130) Faust, A., 2013, Early Israel: An Egalitarian Society, Biblical Archaeology Review 39/4: 45-49, 62-63.

    131) Faust, A., 2013. The Shephelah in the Iron Age: A New Look on the Settlement of Judah, Palestine Exploration Quarterly 145: 203-219.

    132) Faust, A., 2013, From Regional Power to Peaceful Neighbor: Philistia in the Iron I-II Transition, Israel Exploration Journal 63: 174-204.

    133) Faust, A., 2013, The Demographic and Territorial Expansion of Jerusalem During the Iron Age: When, How Much and Why? In E. Baruch and A. Faust (eds.), New Studies on Jerusalem: Volume 19, Ramat Gan, pp. 7-37 (Hebrew). 

    134) Faust, A., 2014, On Jerusalem's Expansion during the Iron Age II, in N. Mulder, E. Van der Steen and J. Boertien (eds.), Exploring the Narrative: Jerusalem and Jordan in the Bronze and Iron Ages, London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, pp. 256-285.

    135) Faust, A., and Bunimovitz, S., 2014, The House and the World: The Israelite House as a Microcosm, R. Albertz, B. Alpert Nakhai, S.M. Olyan and R. Schmitt (eds), Family and Household Religion: Toward a Synthesis of Old Testament Studies, Archaeology, Epigraphy, and Cultural Studies, Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns, pp. 143-164. Copyright © 2009 by Eisenbrauns; placed here by permission of the publisher. Book may be purchased here: 

    136) Faust, A., and Lev-Tov, J., 2014, Philistia and the Philistines in the Iron Age I: Interaction, Ethnic Dynamics and Boundary Maintenance, HIPHIL Novum 1: 1-24.

    137) Faust, A., Katz, H., Ben-Shlomo, D., Sapir, Y., and Eyall, P., 2014, Tel 'Eton/Tell 'Etun and its Interregional Contacts from the Late Bronze Age to the Persian-Hellenistic Period: Between Highlands and Lowlands, ZDPV 130: 43-76.

    138) Faust, A., 2014, Tel 'Eton Excavations, Past Tense (zman avar) 20: 16-17 (Hebrew).

    139) Katz, H., and Faust, A., 2014, The Chronology of the Iron Age IIA in Judah in the Light of Tel 'Eton Tomb C3 and Other Assemblages, Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 371: 103-127.

    140) /files/lisa/shared/faust-2014-icaane_8-eton-140.c.pdf

    141) Faust, A., 2014, The Assyrian Empire and the Economy of the Land of Israel in the 7th Century BCE: The Olive Oil Industry as a Test-Case, in A. Tavgar, in A. Tavgar, Z. Amar and M. Billig (eds.), In the Highland's Depth: Ephraim Range and Binyamin Research Studies, the fourth volume, Ariel-Talmon, pp. 121-144 (Hebrew).

    142) Faust, A., 2014, The Iron I – Iron II Transition in the South: Settlement, Demography and Political Changes, in E. Baruch and A. Faust (eds.), New Studies on Jerusalem: Volume 20, Ramat Gan: Ingeborg Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies, pp. 35-65 (Hebrew). 

    143) Faust, A., 2014, Highlands or Lowlands: Reexamining Demographic Processes in Iron Age JudahUgarit Forschungen 45: 111-142. 

    144) Faust, A., in press, The Emergence of Iron Age Israel: On Origins and Habitus, in T.E. Levy et al. (eds.), Israel’s Exodus in Transdisciplinary Perspective, Springer.

    145) Faust, A., and Safrai, Z., in press, Toward a Quantitative Study of the History of Settlement in Ancient Israel: Burials as a Test-Case, in Levy, T.E., Savage, S.H., Baru, C., and LaBianca, O., (eds.), Portal Science and Archaeology: Views from the Mediterranean Lands, London, Equinox.

    146) Faust, A., in press, The Emergence of Israel and Theories of Ethnogenesis, in S. Niditch (ed.), Blackwell Companion to Ancient Israel, Oxford: Blackwell.

    147) Faust, A., in press, Settlement, Economy and Demography under Assyrian Rule in the West: The Territories of the Former Kingdom of Israel as a Test-Case, Journal of the American Oriental Society.

    148) Faust, A., and Katz, H., in press, Tel 'Eton Cemetery: An Introduction, Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel.

    149) Moyal, Y., and Faust, A., in press, Jerusalem's Hinterland in the Eight-Seventh Centuries BCE: Towns, Villages, Farmsteads and Royal Estates, Palestine Exploration Quarterly.

    150) Faust, A., Katz, H., and Eyall, P., in press, Late Persian – Early Hellenistic Remains at Tel 'Eton: A Preliminary Report (2006-2014), Tel Aviv.

    151) Faust, A., 2015, Chronological and Spatial Changes in the Rural Settlement Sector of Ancient Israel during the Iron Age: An OverviewRevue Biblique 122: 247-267 

    152) Faust, A., in press, The Bible, Archaeology, and the Practice of Circumcision in Israelite and Philistine Societies, Journal of Biblical Literature.

    153) Faust, A., 2015, The "Philistine Tomb" at Tel 'Eton: Cultural Contact, Colonialism, and Local Responses in Iron Age Shephelah, IsraelJournal of Anthropological Research 71: 195-230 






     Review Articles

    154) Oded, B., and Faust, A., 2006, Judah in the Neo-Babylonian Period: A review of O. Lipschits: Jerusalem between Destruction and Restoration: Judah under Babylonian Rule, Cathedra 121: 171-178 (Hebrew).

    155) Faust, A., 2008, Excavating the Bible or Burying it? (on "Y. Meitlis, Digging the Bible, Jerusalem, 2006), Jerusalem and Eretz Israel 6: 137-156 (Hebrew).

    156) Faust, A., 2010, Review Article on Arie S. Issar and Mattanyahu Zohar, The Famine Was Severe in the Land: Climate Changes and their Impact on the History of the Lands of the Bible, Jerusalem, Carmel (2008), Zion 75: 216-224 (Hebrew).


    Book Reviews

    157) Faust, A., 2004, Review of W.G. Dever: Who Were the Israelites and Where Did They Come From?Biblical Archaeology Review  30/5: 58-60.

    158) Faust, A., 2006, Review of: N. Lapp (ed.), Preliminary Excavation Reports and Other Archaeological Investigations: Tell Qarqur, Iron I Sites in the North-Central Highlands of Palestine (Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 56, 1999), Boston, 2003, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 65: 315-316.

    158) Faust, A., 2009, Review of Rudolph Cohen and Hannah Bernick-Greenberg, Excavations at Kadesh Barnea (Tell el-Qudeirat) 1976-1982, Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, 2007, American Journal of Archaeology 113.2 (on-line publication).

    160) Faust, A., 2009, Review of A.E. Killebrew, Biblical Peoples and Ethnicity: An Archaeological Study of Egyptians, Philistines and Early Israel 1300-1100 B.C.E., Atlanta: SBL, 2005, Near Eastern Archaeology 72: 107-109.

    161) Faust, A., 2011, Review of I. Finkelstein and A. Mazar (edited by B.B. Schmidt), The Quest for Historical IsraelDebating Archaeology and the History of Early Israel, Atlanta: Society for Biblical Literature, 2007, Journal of Near Eastern Studies 70: 366-367.


     Encyclopedic Entries

    162) Faust, A., 2001, Housing, Iron Age, Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Holy Land, pp. 235-236.

    163) Faust, A., 2006, Cities and Towns in Ancient Israel (Bronze and Iron Ages), in H. Selin (ed.), Encyclopedia of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures (Springer; Internet Encyclopedia.).

    164) Faust, A., 2006, Water Systems in Bronze and Iron Age Israel", in H. Selin (ed.), Encyclopedia of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine in Non-Western Cultures (Springer; Internet Encyclopedia.).

    165) Faust, A., in press, House, in Lehmann, G., Berlejung, A., Kamlah, J., and Daviau, M., (eds.), Encyclopedia of Material Culture in the Biblical World, Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck.

    166) Faust, A. in press, Villages and Rural Settlements, in Lehmann, G., Berlejung, A., Kamlah, J., and Daviau, M., (eds.), Encyclopedia of Material Culture in the Biblical World, Tubingen: Mohr Siebeck.

    167) Faust, A., 2013, Philistines, in Bagnall, R., Brodersen, K., Champion, C., Erskine, A., and Huebner, S. (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, Oxford: Willey-Blackwell.

    168) Faust, A., 2013, Lachish, in Bagnall, R., Brodersen, K., Champion, C., Erskine, A., and Huebner, S. (eds.), The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, Oxford: Willey-Blackwell.

    169) Faust, A., in press, Tel Eton, in Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception.

    170) Faust, A., in press, Four Room House, in Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception.

    171) Faust, A., 2012, Biblical Archaeology, Oxford Bibliographies Online in Jewish Studies (online encyclopedia).

    172) Faust, A., 2013, Domestic Architecture, Bronze and Iron Ages, in D. Master, B. Alpert-Nakhai, A. Faust and J.K. Zangenberg (eds.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Bible and Archaeology, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 302-310.

    173) Faust, A., 2013, Coastal Plain, in D. Master, B. Alpert-Nakhai, A. Faust and J.K. Zangenberg (eds.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Bible and Archaeology, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 211-218.

    174) Faust, A., 2013, Villages, Cities and Towns, in D. Master, B. Alpert-Nakhai, A. Faust and J.K. Zangenberg (eds.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Bible and Archaeology, New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 203-211. 


    Last Updated Date : 30/04/2023