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Dr. Uri Bar-Noi

בנין 410, קומה שנייה, חדר 219
תחומי מחקר
    קורות חיים
    Ph.D., Department of International History, London School of Economics and Political Science, Supervisor: Professor Anita J. Prazmowska
    M.A., Department of General History, Tel-Aviv University, Supervisor: Professor Gabriel Gorodetsky
    B.A., Department of General History, Haifa University
    Academic Positions
    Since 2003
    History Department, Bar-Ilan University
    Part-time lecturer, General History Department, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva
    Part-time lecturer, Department of Political Science, Open University of Israel
    2000- 2003
    Part-time lectureship in the Faculty of Humanities, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
    Association in Scientific Bodies in Israel and Abroad
    Since 2001
    Research Fellow at the International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism, in the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzeliya
    Since 2008
    Ludwig Boltzmann Institut für Kriegstfolgen-Forshung, Graz, Austria
    Since 2006
    Member of the Transatlantic Studies Association, University of Dundee, Scotland
    Research cooperation in Israel and abroad
    Research Fellow, Coordinator of a Research Project on "The Middle Eastern Cold War", Chaim Herzog Center for the Study of the Middle East and Diplomacy, the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
    Supervision of Graduate Students
    Since 2008
    PhD Thesis, Racism and the Immigration Policy of the Conservative Government of Margaret Thatcher, 1979-1985 (In preparation for submission)
    Since 2005
    PhD Thesis, German Settlements in the Soviet Republic of the Ukraine during 1924-1939 (In preparation for submission)
    Fellowships, Grants, and Honours
    Yitzhak Artzi's Research Grant on Romanian Jewry by the Dan David Foundation, Tel-Aviv University
    Distinguished Lectureship, Faculty of Humanities, Hebrew
    University of Jerusalem
    Matching Grant by the Israeli Ministry of Absorption and the Open University of Israel
    Conference Papers
    July 2010
    "In Search of Peace under the Peril of a US-Communist Showdown in South-East Asia: Precarious Cooperation between Britain and the Soviet Union during the Far Eastern Conference at Geneva, April-July 1954", 9th Anual Conference of the Transatlantic Studies Association at Durham University 
    November 2009
    The Eastern Front: Stalin as Warlord", Seventy Years for World War II, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
    May 2009
    Panel III, "Sowjetische Wirtschaftspolitik in Mittelosteuropa und im Milliteren Osten Runder Tish", Interner Workshop - Sowjetische Wirtschaftsstrategien im Frühen Kalten Krieg – Die Besatzung Östrereichs im internationalen Vergleich, Karl Franzens Universität Graz
    September 2008
    "Cold War and the Post-Stalinist Struggle for Power in the USSR: Georgi Malenkov's Attempts to Gain Control on Foreign Policy Making, 1953-55", Decision-Making in the Cold War,the Hamburg Institute for Social Research, Germany
    November 2006
    "Russian-Japanese Relations and the ongoing Dispute over the Kurile Islands", Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Japan's Admission to the UN: Japan's Present International Standing in Historical Perspective, Conference at Haifa University
    November 2006
    "Russia's Search for Great Power Status and Policy towards Iran", International Seminar on Israel, Russia and the Iranian Boiling Pot, International Seminar by the Institute for Counter Terrorism, Interdisciplinary Center, Herzeliya, Israel
    June 2006
    "Soviet Planning for Postwar Diplomacy and the Proposed Scheme to Use Britain as a Means to Contain American Power in Europe", Trans-Atlantic Studies Association,2006 Annual Conference, University of Dundee, Scotland
    September 2004
    Member of a panel on “Terrorism in Chechnya and the Caucuses”, the International Policy Institute for Counter-Terrorism’s (ICT) 4th International Conference on Terrorism’s Global Impact, held in the Interdisciplinary Center, Herzeliya, Israel
    November 2003
    “Moscow and the Curtailment of British Exports as Part of the American Led-Economic Warfare against the Communist Bloc, 1951-1954”, East-West Trade and the Cold War, University of Jyväskylä in Finland
    • Political and diplomatic history of Soviet Russia
    • Cold War history
    • East-west commercial relations
    • The national problem in Soviet Russia and Eastern Europe

    18-291 המפגש בין רוסיה ואסיה

    18-345 המהפכה הרוסית
    18-686 רוסיה הצארית

    18-712 לאומיות וסכסוכים אתנו-לאומיים

    18-732 מהברית הגדולה לתוכנית מרשל

    18-757 בריטניה וארה"ב



    January 2011
    "Anglo-Soviet Cooperation during the Far Eastern Conference at Geneva, April-July 1954", (Europe-Asia Studies, Glasgow University, forthcoming)
    November 2010
    “A Short List for the Long Haul: Britain's Role in the Process of Relaxing Strategic Export Controls throughout 1953-1954 Revisited”, (Contemporary British History, Birmingham University, forthcoming)
    April 2007
    Rami Ginat and Uri Bar-Noi, " A Tacit Support of Terrorism: The Rapprochement between the USSR and Palestinian Guerilla Organization following the 1967 War" The Journal of Strategic Studies 30(2): 255-284.
    August 2003
    “The Soviet Union and the Six-Day War: Revelations from the Polish Archives”, Cold War International History Project Bulletin, E-dossier No. 8: 1-10
    November 1998
    “The Soviet Union and Winston Churchill’s Appeals for High-Level Talks, 1953-4: New Evidence from the Russian Archives”, Diplomacy and Statecraft, 9(3): 110-133
    Articles in Books
    “Georgi Malenkov’s Leadership and the Post-Stalinist Struggle for Succession in the Soviet Union, March 1953-February 1955”, Leadership in Crisis (Bar-Ilan Studies in History, Vol. V, Bar-Ilan University Press): 159-194
    “Moscow and the Curtailment of British Exports as Part of the American-Led Economic Warfare against the Communist Bloc, 1951-54”, East-West Trade and the Cold War (Jyväskylä Studies in Humanities): 62-75

    Last Updated Date : 30/04/2023