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יועצת לתואר שני

Prof. Emeritus Myriam Grielsammer

בנין 410 קומה שנייה חדר 220
שעות קבלה
יום א' 15:00- 16:00
    קורות חיים


    Ph. D. Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Thesis: Women’s condition in Flanders and Brabant at the End of the Middle Ages. Supervisors:  Jacques le Goff  (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales = E.H.E.S.S., Paris), Joshua Prawer (Hebrew University of Jerusalem). Thesis’ jury : Raoul C. van Caenegem (Rijksuniversiteit, Gent), Nathalie Davies (Princeton University), Jacques le Goff (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), Joshua Prawer (Hebrew University of Jerusalem).Summa cum laude.


    M.A. in Medieval History, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. M.A. thesis: The ‘Livre au Roi’ and Feudal Reality in the Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem, supervisor: Professor Joshua Prawer. Summa cum laude.


    B.A. in General History, International relations, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Summa cum laude.


    Academic Positions:

    1974- 1978 Hebrew University, Assistant

    1978-1980 Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales Visiting Researcher


    Hebrew University of Jerusalem

    1981-1982 Assistant

    1982-1986 Madricha

    1987-1988 Haver Horaa be Dargat Martse

    1988-1993 Lecturer in Medieval History

    1993-1994 Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Visiting  Professor


    Bar Ilan University

    1995-2003 Senior lecturer in Medieval History and Early Modern Times

    2003-  Associate Professor 



    Association in Scientific Bodies in Israel and Abroad:

    Membre de la commission scientifique d'experts du CRFJ (Centre de Recherche français à Jérusalem) chargée d'évaluer les projets soumis à l'ANR (Agence nationale de la recherche) (Associated by professor Sophie Kessler-Mesguich).


    Research cooperation in Israel and abroad (last 3 years):


    With Professor Reinhold Mueller, Professor at the Università di Venezia (Italy) on the theme: the Role of the Lombards in the European Economic Development (The Low Countries).

    With Professor Giacomo Todeschini, Professor at the Università di Trieste on the theme: Christian Economic Ideology versus Jewish and Christian usury (The Attitude of the Church Versus the Lombards in the Low Countries: 13th-17th Century).


    With Professor Renato Bordone, Director of the Centro studi sui lombardi, sul credito e sulla banca (Asti, Italia) on the theme: Lombards in Europe  (The Low Countries).



    With Professor Pierre Monnet (Directeur d'Etudes EHESS et Professeur à l'Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris) on the theme: History of Urban Societies, History of the German Territories in the Middle-Ages, Histoire des sociétés urbaines, histoire des territoires germaniques au Moyen-Age (Les lombards dans les villes des Pays-Bas) . 


    With Professor Jean-Claude Schmitt (Directeur d'Etude, EHESS, Director of the Groupe d'Anthropologie historique de l'Occident médiéval, GAHOM), Paris on the theme: The Relevance of the Study of Iconography as a Historical Source (L'iconographie du Livre de Mémoire de Lowys Porquin, clé de son signifiant).


    With Professor Alain Boureau ( Directeur d'Etudes, EHESS, Paris) on the theme: the Debate on Usury in Christian Thought and its Influence on the Attitude towards the Lombards (L'attitude de l'Eglise vis-à-vis des lombards aux Pays-Bas)


    Supervision of Graduate Students


    Dina Halperin, The Nosology of Leprosy, co-direction with Professor D. Jacquard (Sorbonne) ;

    Gisela Katz, Doffo Spini, Paterfamilias and Member of the Spini Casata, co-direction with Professor Chr. Klapish-Zuber (E.H.E.S.S.) ;

    Helena Dorcht, Perception and Significance of the French Protestant Outward Appearance and Conduct : Another Possible Clue to the Catholic Protestant Controversy, co-direction with Professor Myriam Yardeni (Haifa University) ;

    Chai Lesman, The Widows in England during the Middle Ages and the Beginning of the Modern Era.

    Tali Moshitzki, Margery Kempe as a Woman, a Mother and a Wife in the English Town of the 15th Century.


    Yaël Klein, The National History as Seen Through the Israeli School Textbooks : Continuity or Destruction of the National Myths ? co-direction with Professor Dan Michman, Bar-Ilan University.

    Oded Zion, Hispanicism: Images of Medieval Spain in the Eyes of American Intellectuals at the End of the 19th Century and at the Beginning of the 20th Century, co-direction with Dr. Dov Stuchinsky, General History Department, Bar Ilan University.

    Chai Lesman, Disability and the Disabled in England at the End of the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period, co-direction with Professor Miri-Rubin, Department of History, Queen Mary, University of London.


    Fellowships, Grants, and Honours

    1978-1980 Research Grant of the French Government

    1986 - Allan Bronfman Prize “awarded each year to a recipient chosen for excellence in the Humanities or Law” awarded for 1986 to Myriam Greilsammer for her doctoral dissertation (Hebrew University of Jerusalem).

    1986-1987 Lady Davis Fellowship

    1988-1992 Igal Alon Fellowship (Hebrew University, Department of History) 

    1993-1994 Invited Professor at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris (Professor Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, Professor André Burguière). 

    1994 Invitation at All Souls College by Professor Robin Briggs, Cambridge (History of Wichcraft)

    1999-2000 Research Grant of the French Government 

    20001-2002 Research Grant of the French Government 

    2008-2009 Research Grant Belgian French Wallon Government  

    2008-2009 Invited Fellow Researcher, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Professor Alain Dierkens, Department of History (Medieval History of the Low Countries).

    2008-2009 Visiting Fellow-Professor Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Seminars of Professor Alain Boureau ("La parole, l'affect et la faute dans la pensée scolastique"), and Seminar of Jean-Claude Schmitt ("Le rythme au Moyen-Age").






    Social History, Anthropological History, Art History and History of the Mentalities in the Low Countries during the Middle Ages and Early Modern Times (12th-17th centuries); Women's History, Gender History, History of Maternity, Gynecology and Mariage; History of the Lombards in the Low Countries (13th-17th century); History of Protestantism, Calvinism in the Low Countries, Law History in the Low Countries, History of Witchcraft in the Low Countries.







    Myriam Greilsammer, A Pawn for Paradise. The Life and the Imaginary of an Italian Merchant in The Low-Countries in the 16th Century (in Dutch. : Een pand voor het paradijs. Leven en zelfbeeld  van Lowijs Porquin, piemontees zakenman in de zestiende-eeuwse  Nederlanden), Lannoo, Tielt (Belgium), 200 pages. (1989)  

    Myriam Greilsammer, L’envers du tableau. Mariage et maternité en Flandre mediévale. Préface de Jacques le Goff, Armand Colin, Paris, 368 pages, 35 illustrations. (1990)

    Myriam Greilsammer, Le Livre au Roi : Analyse et édition critique. Collection des documents relatifs à l’histoire des Croisades. Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Institut de France, Paris, 308 pages.(1995)

    Myriam Greilsammer, La roue de la fortune. Le destin d’une famille d'usuriers lombards dans les Pays-Bas à l’aube des Temps Modernes, Paris, Presses de l’E.H.E.S.S., 412 pages.(2011)


    Myriam Greilsammmer, L'usurier chrétien, un juif métaphorique? Histoire de l'exclusion des prêteurs lombards (XIIIe-XVIIe siècles), 350 pages + 32 illustrations, Presses universitaires de Rennes PUR, Rennes, september 2011.

    + Italian translation, Edizioni Unicopli, Milano, in translation (2011-2012).

     Myriam Greilsammer, Le 'Récolement des lombards' (1549-1550): une source fondamentale concernant les activités des tables de prêt pendant leur ultime essor au 16è siècle, Editore scientifico Gian Giacomo Fissore. Introductione, edizione e apparato scientifico: Myriam Greilsammer, Universita Bar Ilan, Ramat Gan, Israël, 250 pages, Asti, Edizioni Centro studi lombardi Asti.



    Rapts de séduction et rapts violents en Flandre et en Brabant à la fin du Moyen-Age , Tijdschrift voor rechtgeschiedenis, Revue d’histoire du droit, vol.LVI, 1988, pp.49-84.

     Le mariage en pays flamand : un fait social total , Studia Historica Gandensia, 274, W. Prevenier (ed.), Marriage and Social Mobility in the Middle-Ages. Mariage et Mobilité sociale au bas Moyen-Age., Gent, 1989, pp.69-98 tris.

    The Midwife, The Priest and the Physician : the Subjugation of the Midwives in the Low Countries at the End of the Middle-Ages », Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 21 : 2, Fall, 1991, pp.285-329.

     Pour blanchir son argent et son âme. La double réhabilitation d’un usurier lombard dans les Pays-Bas du 16è siècle », Revue belge de Philologie et d’Histoire, Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, 72, 1994, pp.793-833.

    "Autour de la maison: trois études sur l'univers de la fafamille au Moyen-Age, Revue belge de Philologie et d’Histoire, BBelgisch Tijdschrift voor Filologie en Geschiedenis, 73, 1995,  3, pp.409-432.

    "Anatomie d'un mensonge: Le Livre au Roi et la révision de l'histoire du Royaume Latin par les juristes du 13è siècle", Revue d'histoire du droit, Tijdschrift voor Rechtgeschiedenis, LXVII, 1999, pp.239-254.

    "L’imaginaire masculin et la soumission des vassales dans le Royaume Latin de Jérusalem vers 1200 : un jalon supplémentaire dans l’histoire de la violence symbolique envers les femmes", Medieval History 27,2001, pp.331-363.







    Last Updated Date : 20/09/2022