Prof. Doron Avraham
General History Department, Bar Ilan University, Associate Professor
Fellowships, Grants and Distinctions:
- 2022-2025: Israeli Science Foundation (ISF) Research Grant
- 2017-2020: Israeli Science Foundation (ISF) Research Grant
- 2016: Research Fellow, Faculty of History, Oxford University (Trinity term)
- 2012-2013: Excellent Teacher
- 2012- Rector's Research Grant
- 2011-2012: Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Humanities Division Member, Young Scholar Forum.
- 2009-2012: Israeli Council for Higher Education. Yigal Alon Fellowship for Outstanding Junior Faculty.
- 2006: Fellowship in the International Institute for Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem.
- 2003-2004: Post-doctoral research, Humboldt University, Berlin
- 2003-2004: Yad Hanadiv Fellowship for post-doctoral research.
- 2003: Minerva Fellowship for post-doctoral research.
- 1998-2001: Lloyds Private Banking (Guernsey) Limited As Trustee of the Sophia Trust (through the School of History at Tel Aviv University), for doctoral studies.
- 1993: Zalman Aran Scholarship, School of History, Tel Aviv University.
- 1993: Scholarship from the Institute for German History, for the M.A. Studies.
- German political philosophy since late 18th century
- Nationalism, Race, Religion.
- German Colonialism
- German Jews
- Introduction to the Modern Era
- Nationalism between Left and Right
- Body Culture in Modern Europe
- Race Racism, Biology and Culture
- Germany: From the Napoleonic Wars until Bismarck
German Neo-Pietism, the Nation and the Jews: Religious Awakening and National identity Formation, 1815-1861, London, New York: Routledge 2020 (214 pages)
In der Krise der Moderne: Der preussische Konservatismus im Zeitalter gesellschaftlicher Veränderungen, 1848-1876 , Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen 2008 (443 pages).
As Editor:
Editor, with Jose Brunner and Marianne Zepp, Politische Gewalt in Deutschland: Ursprüng, Ausprägungen, Konsequenzen, in the series: Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte, vol. 42. Wallstein Verlag, Göttingen 2014 (256 pages).
- "Tolerating Particularity: German Pietism and Jews' Conversion in the Late Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries" in: Journal of Religious History, 47/1 (2023), pp. 3-26.
- "Between Concern and Difference: German Jews and the Colonial ‘Other’ in South West Africa" in : German History, 40/1 (2022), pp. 38-60.
- "Patriotism, Race, and Criticism: German Jews and the Colonial Challenge" in: Zion, 82/3 (2022), pp. 355-382. (Hebrew)
- "From Contestation to Cooperation: The German Orthodox Church, Neo-Pietism and the Quest for an Alternative Ideal of the Nation" in: Religions, 12 (2021), pp. 1-17.
- "Reforming identities: Jews’ experience of German colonial expansion" in: Postcolonial Studies, 25/2 (2022), pp. 248-269.
- "German Neo-Pietism and the Formation of National Identity" in: Church History, 88/1 (2019), pp. 87-119.
- "Catholics and Protestants in the German Empire: Between Religious and National Identities" in: Zohar Maor and Yochi Fischer (eds.), Nationalism and Secularization (Jerusalem, 2019), pp. 124-159. (Hebrew)
- “Pietism and German Inter-Confessional Nationalism” in: Church History and Religious Culture, 99 (2019), pp. 21-45.
-"Reconstructing a Collective: Zionism and Race between National Socialism and Jewish Renewal" in: The Historical Journal, 60/2 (2017), pp. 471-492.
- "The Idea of a Jewish Nation in the German Discourse about Emancipation" in: Nations and Nationalism, vol. 22/3 (2016), pp. 505-523.
- " The Religious and Moral Origins of German Conservative Social Policy", in: Journal of Policy History, 28/1 (2016), pp. 133-161. (Cambridge Journals).
- "Gewalt und militärische Praxis in der deutschen Zivilgesellschaft des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts" in: Doron Avraham, Jose Brunner and Marianne Zepp (eds.), Politische Gewalt in Deutschland: Ursprüng, Ausprägungen, Konsequenzen, in the series: Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte, vol. 42 (2014), pp. 17-34.
- "The 'Racialization' of Jewish Self-Identity: The Response to Exclusion in Nazi Germany, 1933–1938", in Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, vol. 19/3 (2013), pp. 354-374.
- "The Limits of Social Transformation: the Discussion of the Legal Status of Women in Germany, 1848-1871" in: Karin Gottschalk (ed.), Gender Difference in European Legal Cultures. Historical Perspectives. (Stuttgart, 2013), pp. 197-2007.
- "Nationalism and Judaism in the Conservative Thought of Friedrich Julius Stahl" in Zion vol. 77/1 (2012), pp. 67-94. (Hebrew)
- "A Jewish Nation in Germany – The Critics of Judaism in the Age of Emancipation” in: Boaz Neumann, Galili Shahar and Ronnie Hirsch (eds.), Restless History: Between Jews and Germans (Tel Aviv, 2011), pp. 56-74. (Hebrew).
- "German Liberalism and the Militarization of Civil Society 1813-1848/49" in: European Review of History, vol. 17/4 (2010), pp. 605-628.
- "The Problem with Using Historical Parallels as a Method in Holocaust and Genocides Teaching" in: Intercultural Education, 21, No.S1 (2010), pp. 33-40.
- "From their Parents’ Domain to the Service of Utopia: The Rebelliousness of the Hitler Youth" in: Dor Ledor. Studies in the History of Jewish Education in Israel and the Diaspora, vol. 36 (2010), pp. 231-261. (Hebrew)
- "Love, Affection, Consolation: The Emotional Setting of German Conservatives' Social Policy", in: Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte, 38 (2010), pp. 199-212.
- "The Social and Religious Meaning of Nationalism: The Case of Prussian Conservatism 1815-1871" European History Quarterly, vol. 38/4, (2008), pp. 525-550.
- "Militarized Citizenship’ or the Citizens’ Military: Liberalism and Militarism in Germany 1813-1862" in Historia. Journal of the Historical Society of Israel. vol. 17 (2006), pp. 21-50. (Hebrew)
- "In the Throes of Modernization: German Conservatism after 1848" in Zmanim. A Historical Quarterly, vol. 86 (2004), pp. 66-81. (Hebrew)
Book Reviews:
- Henning Albrecht, Antiliberalismus und Antisemitismus. Hermannn Wagener und die preußischen Sozialkonservativen 1855-1873 (Verlag Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn München, Wien, Zürich 2010), in: Archiv für Sozialgeschichte , vol. 52 (2012).
- James Brophy, Popular Culture and the Public Sphere in the Rhineland 1800-1850 (Cambridge University Press 2007), in: European History Quarterly, 40/3 (2010), pp. 507-509.
- Dan Diner and Moshe Zimmermann (eds.), Disseminating German Tradition (Leipzig 2009), in: Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte, vol. 62/2 (2010), pp. 192-194.
- Oded Heibronner (ed.), 'The Restless Reich'. Imperial Germany 1871-1918, Magnes Press, Jerusalem 1998. In: Zmanim. A Historical Quarterly, vol.67 (1999), pp. 94-97. (Hebrew).
Last Updated Date : 20/09/2023